Friday, December 7, 2012


This is her story!
 The summary of her story is that she is a cornucopia of extravagant grace!
… Born as a girl child, she is denied access to education in certain parts of her fatherland. She overcomes this barrier and loses the stigma of being educationally disadvantaged by getting educated. She then gets a job, only to discover that there is a glass ceiling to the pinnacle of her career and that to pierce this glass ceiling, she has to forfeit very important relationships-her babies and some of her dreams. Despite the odds, she breaks the glass ceiling and becomes the boss; but the society is not in a celebratory mood and then she is labeled a bitch.  In addition to becoming the boss at the boardroom, she still has to contend with other ‘rooms’- The bedroom and the birth room. Both rooms leave her with different unpleasant experiences that are woven into the fabric of her life- however, she refuses to be bitter!
In the bedroom, she battles domestic violence of all sorts- physical, emotional and sexual. In between, she endures incest, rape and gender based discrimination and violence including varying degrees of emotional and psychological torture. Sometimes there is boredom in the bedroom but the Naija woman stays in her bedroom because she believes that she owes it to her family to be strong and disciplined. Even if the bedroom boredom is choking her!
When her status is moved from wife to widow, the society brands her a witch! She is further made to endure dehumanizing, agonizing and heart wrenching acts in order to prove her worth and in some instances, her ‘innocence’.  Naija woman emerges not as a victim but as a victor or Victoria, if you wish!
Her travails in the birth room are another matter! Where she enters this room, she is made to endure the most excruciating pains on earth as she births presidents, doctors, artists, lawyers, businessmen, first ladies, and teachers and in some instances rapists, prostitutes, armed robbers and never-do -wells! But the Naija woman stays strong because the Naija woman is a bundle, a cornucopia of extravagant grace. That is the Naija woman for you! Never mind that when she does not enter the birth room sometimes for reasons best known to God Himself, she is labeled Barren!
Sometimes the Naija woman is a woman with a past and that past could be prostitution or greed or  fraud or drugs or alcohol or murder aka abortion, but once she goes to God and cleans up her act, she becomes the indomitable lioness, the royal eagle with an amazing future!
The story of the Naija woman is a kaleidoscope of experiences that span the beautiful, good, bad and the ugly! And because we all go through one or more of these experiences as mothers, wives, daughters, nieces, cousins, sisters, relatives,  friends and strangers, we know that one day if we continue to trust God and persist, despite these monumentally depressing scenarios of life, we will emerge the victorious, never put down by life’s experiences’ women- in short, God’s woman!

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